De Necker Dentistry has the services of a modern on-site laboratory providing top quality work by using state of the art dental equipment. Highly qualified dental technicians are based at the practice and will be available for consultation in the surgery to assist with planning of all work to be undertaken by the laboratory. By doing this, De Necker Dentistry ensures a comfortable, convenient and efficient dental experience for all patients.


The on-site laboratories provide a full dental service including crown and bridge work, dental implants, dentures, TMJ corrective bite rebuilding, orthodontic devices and facial analysis prior to smile design make overs.

As part of the De Necker Dentistry policy to promote healthy dentistry, all practices have move towards biologically accepted inert materials. De Necker have paved the way in metal free dentistry and offer products such as Zirconium, emax and Suprinity.

On-site dental technicians will conduct facial and smile analysis to correctly determine the shape and shade for dental restorations. The dental technicians carry the highest degree of skill and technology to ensure satisfactory results for all patients.

De Necker Dentistry‘s constant drive to deliver quality, efficiency and precision is a top priority when creating dental restorations. Together with the laboratory, De Necker Dentistry use innovative technology to enhance the patient’s experience and quality of restorations. Techniques such as impression free restorations are also used.

The dentist makes use of a Cad-Cam (Computer Aided Design – Computer Aided Manufactured) system to take images of the tooth. The laboratory then uses these images to design and mill the restoration. This technique is accurate, efficient, and pleasing to the patient as they eliminate the ever dreaded dental impressions.

The shade of the new tooth is determined by a machine called Shade Scanner. This machine digitally photographs the adjacent teeth to determine the colour saturations and variation and any prevailing translucency present. The crown is shaped to match and then glazed using tints to complete the perfect crown.  Should there be any discrepancy in the colour, additional tinting can be done in the chair before the crown is cemented. This is all done during the dental appointment at the patient’s convenience and to prevent another visit later on.


Laser Treatment


Oral Surgery