Oral surgery is generally performed in dentistry and is a specialised surgery and is a medical procedure to treat diseases and defects of the mouth and jaw region.

Oral surgery can be categorised as follows:

  • Extraction of teeth

    This is rare in the De Necker Dentistry practice as our philosophy is to save teeth as much as possible. In the case of tooth extraction, it is more than likely lost due to a fracture or for orthodontic reasons.

  • Non-erupted Teeth

    This is usually the four wisdom-teeth that have to be surgically removed due to:

    • Lack of space in the jaw

    • Carious lesions on the teeth

    • Orthodontic reasons as well as exposure of non-erupted teeth for orthodontic reasons

    The patient will be given the choice to conduct the surgery under local or general anaesthetic.  The advantage of having it done in the chair is:

    • The elimination of the risk of general anaesthesia

    • It is financially more affordable in the chair (hospitalisation and anaesthesia costs are not applicable)

  • Abscess and Apisectomies (root tip resection)

    We conduct a procedure called an Apisectomy when a tooth has an abscess and a root canal treatment was not successful. This procedure is when the tip of the root is surgically cut off and the abscess in the bone is cleaned out. This Apisectomy procedure is combined with root canal treatment.

  • Surgical removal of teeth and retained roots

    In the case where the dentist is unable to save the tooth due to an abscess or a fracture, the tooth or retained roots are removed and a bone augmentation procedure is done to prepare the area for an implant. The bone is harvested from the surrounding site and freeze dried bone from the SA Bonebank is also used. This is safe bone that creates a matrix for the patient’s bone to regenerate. A resorbable or non-resorbable membrane is used to cover the area and enhance the healing process. When a non-resorbable membrane is used, it is removed after four weeks.

  • Laser Therapy

    A BIOLASE is the state of the art pain-free alternative used in minor oral surgical procedures. This is a bloodless procedure with little postoperative pain and discomfort.

  • Periodontal surgical procedures

    Periodontology is the study of the supporting tissues around the teeth such as the gums, cementum, bone and ligaments. Periodontists are experts in treating oral inflammation and specialise in preventing and treating periodontal disease. Our dentists have extensive experience to diagnose and treat periodontal conditions. For more please visit periodontology.  

  • Procedures not done in the surgery

    For procedures not conducted in the surgery, the patient will be referred to a periodontist and facial and oral surgeon: 

    • Diseases of the maxillary sinuses

    • Diseases of salivary glands

    • Tumours

    • Major trauma to the orofacial area

    • Surgical correction of dental malocclusion (Osteotomy)

    • Implantology 


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